Sunday, 6 December 2009

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree.... lovely are your branches?
Quite lovely, thank you!  Ok they're not real branches, but nonetheless I am happy with my efforts this year when it comes to decorating our Christmas tree.  Have you got yours kitted out yet?

I've received a small flurry of Christmas cards, so I've dedicated two hours of my life writing out mine today.
What a bore, but I know every recipient will appreciate them, so it's worth it.  I actually made my own Christmas cards this year (I made them back in July when I was made redundant...nothing like being ahead of the game!).  Here they are in all their glory:

To be honest, having fiddled around with them for so long, I'm a bit sick of them.  In fact, I bought myself three packets of gorgeous ones from Tescos last weekend which totally defeats the point I realise.  However, I didn't technically make as many as I actually need, so buying the extras was out of necessity ;o)

Well, I start my new job tomorrow, so I must love you and leave you.  After all, I need to get my handbag sorted out (everyone knows that you must reorganise your hangbag before starting a new job!) and get my outfit planned and ready.  They have a casual dresscode which actually is causing me more panic than if it were a smart dresscode.  I need to find something inbetweeny which no doubt will prove a headache.

I hope you're having a lovely weekend - perhaps it's been a Christmassy one, or perhaps you're enjoying your last moments of un-Christmassy-ness before you emerse yourself in it.  Either way, cheers!

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